Monday, September 21, 2009

hari aye.....

selamat hari aye...ari untuk kite bersuke rie...hehehe...
slmt mymbut ari raye maap zhir n btin kat si die yg tgah membace ni...i know u was read this..hehehe...cak cak...

erm mlm raye si die tepon aku dr US tp mase tu aku ade kat dlm kete,line x clear bb ade mak ayh ade abg sgn nk ckp..i want 2 say,syg for her in intro after salam..coz of my family beside me,malu la aku swuh si die tepon aku dalm kul 12.30..mlm 2 aku ble bju raye n ingat kat die aku beli kan die tudung satu..niat hati,kalu die blik mlsia,nk bg sume brg aq yg aq beli tuk aku tunggu punye tunggu,x kol2 pun..erm majuk ke...serbe salah la..2 ari aq x tito mlm wait kol dr die..

sowi duk kg x de pkhdmtn tenet,arap mklm..nk blik cpt jb coz nk ym tau email die...ermmmm...rindu nye...

sorry koz i said tht my feeling with u was sbnr nye x pun..jauh disudut ati..erm,x kan x thu dah msuk 5thun dah kenal..=]..aku ni kalu majuk pyh kalu aku majuk,majuk2 manje je...

mhon maap kat si die spy die x ktepikan hati n pnntian aku...
erm skrg ni tgah kumpul wit nk li kan rantai yg mhl tuk die...sian die dah 2x aq li rantai tp xleh dpakai..xpe xpe..i buy u some more k...quality py pasni...nk li headphone gak nnt nk kol die kat ym..ala kumpul wit ukan abaikan study pun...

x pe aq berkorbn tuk die mgkin kalu aq kwin ngn die,die msti akn bg yg terbek tuk aq...ameen...aku pcy..die dak bek...aku pun dak bek..hehehe.pasan sndiri plak kn..

papepun,aku syg sgt kat die..sampai bile2...mgkin skrg aq lum dapat bgge kan die tp mgkin satu ari...x pe sbr man sbr...mgkin kjayaan aku x same cm die tp ngn usehe aq akn bktikan...

this message dedicated for her,i hope ur fell with me always grow like a flower while get a sun..n one more thing,i hope tht she forgive me for what mistake dat i've done...


Blogger Ashirah Ibrahim said...

thank you for menyepi..:)..

September 24, 2009 at 7:02 PM  

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